Thursday, December 29, 2011

Your table awaits!

I am excited about seeing new clients! Work at Shands Arts in Medicine and at Helping Hands has gotten me off to a great start, and I am looking forward to seeing clients at my home office soon. Please call or email today to book an appointment for yourself or a loved one!

My massage work is tailored to the needs of each client, drawing from a foundation of:
~Neuromuscular Therapy
~Connective Tissue Therapy
~Swedish Massage
~Polarity Therapy
~Sports Massage

I offer my total presence and awareness to clients, creating a safe environment where their own awareness can be further opened to enhance healing and invite balance and ease of movement.

If you are feeling any of the following, you will benefit from massage:
~Restriction of movement
~Pain or discomfort in your body
~Trouble sleeping
~Postural imbalance
~Stiffness or soreness
~Injury or stress
~The need to slow down and relax

Benefits often include:
~Greater ease of movement
~Increased range of motion
~Relief of pain and stress
~Improved Sleep
~Enhanced feeling of well-being

I invite you to create an opportunity for stillness to occur, in which to recognize and restore balance in your own body, mind and spirit. Call or email me today and let’s find a time to get started! Be sure to inquire about my package discounts and gift certificates.

Happy New Year to you! May you find many blessings and much peaceful transformation in the coming year!