Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Yay! The days are getting longer, brighter...

Good afternoon and holiday greetings! I hope these longer days are bringing the light of inspiration and the warmth of peace to us all.

I have some news, so I will get to it first. In the interest of your convenience and my continuity, I will be moving my practice into Clayton this winter. As you might imagine, my road gets impassable when it snows, and I imagine we will be getting some snow this winter. I want it to be easy for us to get to each other. I will have the same phone numbers and you’ll simply come see me in a warm office downtown rather than at the cabin for the next few months. This is also an opportunity for me to try out having space in town, so I will decide later if I will move the practice home to the cabin in Spring.

Other news... I am recently back from an amazing workshop with Deane Juhan ( in Florida. This workshop focused on the breath and breathing. We worked on the shoulder girdle, the ribcage and the abdominal area - creating greater breathing capacity and more ease of movement around the structures involved in breathing. You’d be surprised just how many parts and pieces relate to the breath. And Deane is an amazing practitioner and teacher. Interestingly, he got his start at Esalen, in Big Sur, CA, where I recently attended the dream work workshop with Robert Moss (

Deane studied with Dr. Milton Trager for more than 20 years, and his work is a beautiful combination of Trager’s work and his own resistance/release technique that Deane has developed over the years. Many of you have experienced this resistance/release work with me, and some of the movement I do with you comes out of the Trager style learning I have received from Juhan and other teachers. It truly is amazing how simple movement and vibration can work more deeply into the tissue and muscle than what people call “deep tissue.”

Deeper is not necessarily better. Change can occur in the body more easily when one is in a relaxed and open state, and deep work does not always create this opening, though it is certainly effective where appropriate. Another tidbit I gleaned from working with Deane Juhan is the value of sensation - particularly pleasant sensation. There is an “edge” of opening I experienced with some of the work that felt unique and important to me. It is challenging to describe, but it is like the edge of pleasure, but a pleasure that is unfamiliar - so the nervous system has to learn from it as it strives to understand or make sense of the sensation.

This brings me to the Solstice. I set my alarm yesterday morning, to wake up early and meditate before the sunrise. I meditated a little, drew a mandala, wrote down some simple thoughts and then was inspired to drive down to the overlook in Tallulah Falls to watch the sun rise. It just felt right to do this, and I was rewarded with a wonderful image of the sun rise with a violet crepuscular ray above. And just as the sun broke the horizon some crows flew across, greeting it with me. On the way home, the hymn “Morning Has Broken” came appropriately to mind, and I thought to myself, “this could have been written for just this morning!”

In my writing, I had some simple but profound understandings.

I came to a deeper awareness that we are here on this Earth for a short time, and that the vehicle we have been given for this wild ride is a BODY. Flesh, bone, muscle, organs, viscera, nervous system, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, fingers, toes, hair... We are sensory beings. We are miraculous systems with thousands of cells flawlessly performing complex duties and functions all under our conscious radar (and while we are busy enjoying the ride). And I’m not even going to touch on the Soul or Spirit here (maybe another time). So the piece that I became more aware of is that we are here, in large part, to experience life through our sensory apparatus - our body, our senses.

I can feel my own edges, and there is pleasure in this. Seeing is feeling, using sight. There is pleasure in seeing beauty just as profound as the most sensual touch. Each and all of our senses can be developed and explored, to find more ways to beauty. The pleasure of texture - in sound, image, music, touch, taste - the complexity of flavor, the fullness of breath, the expansion of the heart. How much we sense, feel and know with heart and stomach... remember, always, the wisdom of both of these. My heart tells me what is right. My stomach tells me when something is wrong. The importance of heeding the stomach's message was emphasized for me. Our heads so often get in the way and confuse the matters at hand - especially between head and heart - and we can forget to notice that the gut is there, like a student with hand raised awaiting her turn to speak, trying to tell us something. Or fear gets in and confuses our gut to distract the heart from the truth it is holding.

Our bodies move, sense, feel, work, rest and perceive in so many ways. I want to find where the restrictions are, bring conscious awareness to them and hold space around them - give the body (and mind & spirit) the space in which to reach beyond the restriction and discover where things can feel and move “easier.” This is when we start sensing the mysterious and pleasant new sensations of ease. And the more expansive our experience of sensing and feeling, the more subtle it can be. The most minute shift of light or change of texture can be appreciated. The gentlest touch, the softest sound, the slightest movement - these can create the most profound awareness. These can create profound shift.

Lastly, I am HERE for the holidays. Feel free to call on me if you need to break away and pamper yourself with a massage!

Oh, and... Happy Holidays! I hope you are enjoying peaceful and joyful times with your family, friends and furry critters during these short days and long nights.

There is always so much promise in the air this time of year - folks thinking about ways of giving to and blessing each other. Thinking about what and whom we're grateful for in the passing year. Dreaming what we want to bring into being this coming year. And just resting in the stillness of the great turning, here in the pinch of the hourglass where time seems to stand still for a moment at the solstice.

While we travel to friends and family and host our loved ones, let's remember to care for ourselves, too. Here are a few ideas to consider:

*Find a quiet place - it might have to be a walk in the woods or even around the yard - and listen to your own breath, remembering your own internal rhythm. It's always there. And getting some extra oxygen feeds your cells!
*Take a hot soak with some epsom salts - sure to neutralize stress and slow the world down for a little while. If you don't have a bathtub, a hot shower will suffice, and a few drops of an essential oil - mint, lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender or fir, these are some of my favorites. The hot water in the tub or the shower will diffuse the aroma and soothe your nervous system.
*Call a faraway friend you haven't seen in a long time or rarely get to visit with. It does the heart good to connect and remember the pieces of ourselves that are unique to particular friendships. AND, studies have shown that our aging process is slowed when we are around people from earlier in life and talk about or focus on younger times.
*ENJOY the indulgence! If you decide to indulge in behaviors or foods that are not in your normal diet or lifestyle, make sure to ENJOY yourself. Give yourself a pass when you need to. I imagine you will digest much more efficiently what you take pleasure in consuming. And I imagine, too, that we overindulge less when we enjoy more consciously what we are eating, drinking or doing.

May your dreams deepen as the light shines more brightly upon you this winter. May your new year bring many blessings and much surprise and delight. May you remember ease, grace, beauty and joy every day!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October already?

Summer has passed and Autumn is showing its colors...

Wow, it’s been quite a month, once again. I thought surely I would have sent out another newsletter by now, and here it is, almost October - wait, it IS October - and getting downright cold, here in my hollow. I had to put some fires in this last week to get the cabin warm and cozy for clients!

Since my last newsletter, the practice is growing nicely. I am so grateful for you all and want to thank those of you who have sent your friends and loved ones to see me for care. I have met so many wonderful people since coming home to Georgia, and I have to say I am enjoying this work so very much - even moreso because I am doing it in the log cabin, where I have wanted for so long to do this kind of sharing and healing. Some days I am simply amazed that I get to do this work in this place, surrounded by such great beauty.

I lost a close friend a few weeks ago. Seems it has been a summer of letting go here, and this has come with opportunities to learn and grow. I have learned a lot about grief, and how it comes in waves, and how it leaves an unmistakable silence that is deafening. It opens one's mind to many questions. It helps us to recognize just how important our connections and friendships and relationships really are - that we are more than just passing each other, we truly become parts of each other, inextricably. And if we’re lucky, we remember what we learn from each other and keep the good parts going forward. From my friend I learned that, whatever the business at hand, it’s the people and their humanness that are most important - that really knowing and honoring each other, in the midst of what we are doing, is what life is really about. My friend always showed up, because this was important to him. Because it IS important to keep showing up. We bring our energy wherever we are - even if we don’t say anything or do anything, or bring anything material (though he did all of these) - we always bring our energy and attention. It IS important.

The wonderful poet/writer David Whyte writes:
"The ultimate touchstone of friendship is not improvement, neither of the other nor of the self, the ultimate touchstone is witness, the privilege of having been seen by someone and the equal privilege of being granted the sight of the essence of another, to have walked with them and to have believed in them, and sometimes just to have accompanied them for however brief a span, on a journey impossible to accomplish alone."

from Readers' Circle Essay, "Friendship" ©2011 David Whyte

As I like to think, we have no idea how far the ripples travel when we throw goodness into the waters. And we need not think of this - we need only throw the goodness - of our intentions, our thoughts, our actions, our energy - into the waters of the world, and KNOW that they are very real and they travel very far and wide (inside of us and outward into the world). I am so happy to have met each of you and had the opportunity to exchange energy with you in some way. We have benefited each other in some basic way, and this carries outward into the world around us. Thank you.

I know I can sometimes sound like a broken record about drinking water, stretching those pecs and piriformises, simply paying attention to shoulders and where they are, breath, etc., etc. I cannot express to you how exciting it is for me when you come back and tell me how this has affected you and what you have noticed or better yet not noticed anymore. You have been the answer to my call for clients who are ready for change and growth, who want to participate in feeling better and evolving, and I am so inspired by you. Thank you!

DREAMWORK! I am excited to report that I will be going to California(!) to a workshop with Robert Moss ( in mid-November - Way of the Dreamer.

Here is a video interview with Robert regarding the upcoming workshop.

The holidays are fast approaching! Are you ready?

Holidays are a time of celebration, joy and visiting with friends and family. Sometimes, though, in the midst of festive times, we can feel the stress of family dynamics, travel and busy-ness.

Gift certificates for massage make excellent presents for friends and loved ones! And for my regular clients, I am offering a 30% discount on gift certificates purchased in October (that's $45.50), and 20% off of gift certificates purchased in November (that's $52).

Just email me your order at:

Chair massage is great for holiday parties!

Chair massage is a great addition to any event, and a wonderful way to show appreciation for friends, employees and customers.

Call today and let's arrange chair massage for your Church Event, Office Party or a Holiday Gathering at your home!



It is so valuable for me to know what your experience is like so I can improve my service for all my clients.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


I often recommend to my clients that they try using tennis balls to work on their upper back (trapezius and rhomboids). Here is a nice article that touches on this and includes some other useful links. There are various sized inflated balls to be found cheaply at Walmart type stores, and these can be useful in many ways. Try laying on a 4" or 8" ball under various parts of your body and just see how it feels and where it feels beneficial. This can be a great way to loosen up and even make adjustments. Try it, and let me know what you experience... Here is the link: And here is an excerpt:
"Who can benefit from myofascial ball therapy? EVERYONE! Tennis balls are one of the most recommended physical therapy tools for recovery and rehabilitation of soft tissue dysfunction. They are simple to use, readily available, and one of the most inexpensive physical therapy tools you can buy. “How-to” videos, pictures, and articles for treatment routines covering virtually every part of the body are available online for free. These resources are good to take a look at and offer techniques to treat specific areas, but you don't really need much instruction. The basic procedure is to identify and target the sore and tight areas of your body, and with the ball supported by the floor or a wall, let that targeted area SLOWLY sink onto the ball. You will feel some discomfort as the tissue fibers are being released from their contracted state. Concentrate on relaxing as much as possible and hold the area for at least 10 seconds. Release the pressure, take a breath and repeat. At least 10 seconds is beneficial, but longer periods are recommended. You can remain stationary, or shifting your body slightly as you continue to relax, roll around on the targeted area."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Masseuse or Massage Therapist?

Since becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), I have noticed more and more that quite a few people still think that a Massage Therapist is the same as a “masseuse” (and many use this word to describe males as well, though it is a word to describe a female massager). The profession has come a long way in recent decades with more rigorous training and much more widespread licensure around the country. Most people who use the term “masseuse” to describe their massage therapists do not mean to be derogative at all, rather they are not aware of the connotations that have developed over the years, associating “masseuse” with downtown “parlors” and “stress release” and generally unlicensed, shady activities. Massage therapy is a health care profession, like physical therapy, chiropractic therapy and nursing.  The main distinction, though, beyond associations or connotations, is that LMTs have undergone several hundred (usually 500-900) hours of training in multiple modalities of care, anatomy and physiology, pathology, etc., and have passed board exams and become licensed, insured professionals, who update their education regularly. A masseuse or masseur is merely someone who massages - no training, license or insurance needed. So next time you are introducing your massage therapist to a prospective new client or friend, do them a favor and call them a massage therapist, so there is no doubt as to their professionalism and qualifications. They will appreciate it so much!

Friday, April 27, 2012

What people are saying...

I am most grateful for the opportunities to work with some really amazing people who teach me so much. Many of these I have worked with over time and one of the things I love most about this work is developing relationships with clients and the continuity which enables us to discover more about what is going on at deeper levels in the mind, body and spirit along the way. We learn together what kinds of changes and healing are possible. It's endlessly fascinating and engaging.

A few testimonials, in case you're wondering what my work is like...
"I met Honor while she was practicing massage at Shands Hospital as part of the Arts in Medicine program. Having had experience with massage, I was immediately impressed by Honor's ability to listen deeply and translate that to her practice. She blends body work with creative energy to treat the whole person. I received positive results while working with her.

Honor combines body work with deep listening to treat you as a whole person. Her practice involves a deep attention to the physical along with response to what is happening with you. She is truly gifted in her approach to massage." - Constance Keeton, Director of Volunteer Services, Shands Hospital

"I have enjoyed a number of massages over the years and never had a better, more relaxing and beneļ¬cial massage as the one Honor gave me. Her presence, her spirit, her heart and genuine care are all a part of the experience. She really gives her all! You will feel relaxed, refreshed, rejuvenated and empowered!

If you have never had a massage before, what on earth are you waiting for? It is such a wonderful treat for the senses and so good for your body. You will wonder why it took so long to experience this divine experience with Honor.

Gratefully, Cyndi Crockett"

“A few words about Honor Woodard and the dreamwork she offers. It is a bit difficult to come up with such because Honor so deeply inhabits the dreamtime through her vision and presence. Her rare gift, then, is her ability to communicate with others this way of seeing and connecting. Honor is an artist and clairvoyant with wide eyes that catch patterns and colors instinctively. She is able to apply this way of seeing in the way of listening to dreams. This occurs seamlessly, as she gives attention to the present stories that emerge, and discerns themes which can then be transformed into a symbolic way of seeing — bridging my waking stories to my dreams, integrating them all into clear, navigable insights. Being in the presence of Honor perhaps captures at heart her mystical essence; a vast reflection of ancient wisdom and the threads which lead to an unknown future. Within this discourse, the possibility of transformation emerges. In the sharing of dreams and under Honor’s guidance, long held beliefs are brought to light and asked to dissolve in their resistance. The mind is made open and the strength of clarity and integrity come through in this collaborative act of dreamwork. Telling a dream to Honor is like telling a secret to a gentle and compassionate spaciousness. An opening occurs. She is mindful in her awareness and has this to share with others. In the presence of Honor, the dreamtime takes on a whole new meaning." --Lucy Tyksinski, LMT, St. Louis, MO January 3, 2015

"I have had the pleasure to work with Honor on several occasions to interpret dreams and significant life experiences. Each time the experience has yielded fresh insight, and deep understanding both within the narrative context of my personal journey, as well as larger and more universal themes and patterns through which we are all connected. I have also found it to be a process which liberates tremendous amounts of energy. Honor has a way of listening intently, and guiding you through the emotional landscape, in which you feel both safe and supported, while still helping you to excavate in areas which may feel challenging or threatening. In doing so, it becomes possible to see your own story and its personal meaning more clearly, and to emerge in a place of light........and lightness. It is a rare gift, and a special quality.” A Stoltman, New York, NY

"For the achy, the tense, and the generally stress-addled...
Nestled in a cool, wooded corner of Lakemont, there's a little wood cabin. And in that cabin is an amazing, magical massage magical, in fact, that all who lay upon her table feel like Completely Different People when they get up again.
I just had my second therapeutic massage with Honor Woodard, and I couldn't be happier. Or more relaxed. Really, truly, I'm feeling SO much better. Hooray!

- Faith in Tiger, GA

"I have received a lot of massage work, and Honor's work is top notch. She is highly intuitive and I have felt great relief and been free of pain after sessions with her. And my rhomboids aren't screaming at me anymore!" - Pat, Massage Therapist, Gainesville, FL

"To whom it may concern, I have had the pleasure of being both teacher and client of Honor Woodard... I found her work thorough and beneficial in addressing my needs. I miss the quality of her work and attention. I would encourage you to experience her work directly. She would be an excellent addition to one’s practice. -Franklin L. Merillat, LMT Lead Instructor, Florida School of Massage

Monday, April 16, 2012

Two New Offices!

Well, I'm back in GA now and have set up 2 offices....

I am now seeing clients at my home office in Moonfrog Hollow (Lakemont, GA), weekends and Monday-Tuesday.

I will be at A Garden for Wellness down in Clarkesville, GA Wednesdays-Fridays and sometimes Saturdays.

Feel free to call or email any time for an appointment. For the time being I am at 904 315 two 9 17 or

I look forward to working with you soon!

Oh, and I will be starting a dream circle soon, so please email me if you are interested in being a part of it.

My massage work is tailored to the needs of each client, drawing from a foundation of:
~Neuromuscular Therapy
~Connective Tissue Therapy
~Swedish Massage
~Polarity Therapy
~Sports Massage

I offer my total presence and awareness to clients, creating a safe environment where their own awareness can be further opened to enhance healing and invite balance and ease of movement.

If you are feeling any of the following, you will benefit from massage:
~Restriction of movement
~Pain or discomfort in your body
~Trouble sleeping
~Postural imbalance
~Stiffness or soreness
~Injury or stress
~The need to slow down and relax

Benefits often include:
~Greater ease of movement
~Increased range of motion
~Relief of pain and stress
~Improved Sleep
~Enhanced feeling of well-being

I invite you to create an opportunity for stillness to occur, in which to recognize and restore balance in your own body, mind and spirit. Call or email me today and let’s find a time to get started! Be sure to inquire about my package discounts and gift certificates.
